Dairy drinks

The cost of the latest installation at the San Francisco de Macorís plant was $10m

Nestlé Dominicana expands its dairy factory

By Jim Cornall

Nestlé Dominicana, S.A. has inaugurated its new dairy production line for the Carnation and other dairy drinks brands (including Nesquik, Impulso, and others).

Shaken Udder's new 330ml Chocolush Dreamcap shake is the first milkshake available on easyJet.

Shaken Udder takes off with easyJet

By Jim Cornall

UK milkshake brand, Shaken Udder has signed a deal with European airline easyJet to supply a new product specifically for the travel sector.

Anchor Food Professionals chef Keith McDonald makes tea macchiatos with Fonterra’s Susan Cassidy.

Fonterra adds new beverage division

By Jim Cornall

New Zealand dairy cooperative Fonterra is adding a new channel to its global foodservice business – Beverage House – to capitalize on what it says is an increased global demand for ‘adventurous’ tea and coffee drinks.

Milkshakes and fruit juices are exempt from the UK's sugar tax - but can still contain high amounts of sugar. Pic: getty/mindstyle

UK sets sugar reduction targets for juice and milk-based drinks

By Rachel Arthur

Juice and milk-based drinks are currently exempt from the UK’s sugar tax: but Public Health England has set out targets for sugar reduction in these categories – and says that progress will be taken into account when it reviews the milk-based drinks exemption...

Doctoral student Marie Lawton measures an alcoholic drink made from dairy waste. Pic: Cornell University

Dairy ‘beer’ in the pipeline

By Jim Cornall

Dairy that is fermented and brewed like beer could soon be on tap as Sam Alcaine, assistant professor at Cornell University’s Department of Food Science, turns dairy waste into an alcoholic drink.

The new range retains the same environmental credentials as the rest of the Tetra Pak portfolio.

Tetra Pak launches new packaging material effects​

By Jim Cornall

Tetra Pak has launched a suite of new packaging material effects, known as Tetra Pak Artistry, which the company said will help food and beverage producers revitalize the look and feel of their products.


NHS England move to ban 'sugary drinks' in hospitals

By Will Chu

Plans by the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) to ban sales of sugar-sweetened drinks in hospitals in England have been backed by the British Soft Drink Association (BSDA), who praised the decision to include all sugar-added drinks.

Plenish Gut Health Programme. Picture: Plenish.

Food & drink wellness trends for 2018

By Jenny Eagle

Kara Rosen, founder of the organic pressed juice and dairy-free nut milk brand, Plenish, reveals her predictions of the trends set to land in 2018.

Harry Cowan, commercial director & Miguel Ferreira, operations manager. Photo: BV Dairy.

‘Increasing appetite for cultured drinking products that have associated health benefits’

BV Dairy signs contract to bottle 4 million cultured milk drinks a year

By Jenny Eagle

BV Dairy, a UK manufacturer of specialist dairy products has made an historic move into contract packaging after signing a long-term deal to produce bottled kefir cultured milk drinks.

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